* Between The Sea (the Med) and The Alps -- {Pronounce: ontruh la mair eh lay zalp}

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

A virtuoso conversationalist

A virtuoso conversationalist 01


Any old baby can master a silly xylophone.  In our family, we apparently have a budding concert pianist, who gave us a magnificent performance.  In preparation, he managed to promote himself quite grandly in fascinating telephone calls to his potential audience.


A virtuoso conversationalist 02
Hello, are you there?

Apparently, Diggle has never had a real phone conversation.  He has never experienced voices coming into his ear from one.  But evidently he's observed plenty of other people on the phone (his nanny?), as he's completely mastered the art of fabulous conversation.

Once he gets on the phone, he can stay on it for quite a long time.  It was hilarious following him all over the house as he took his little halting baby steps totally in stride as he just gabbed and gabbed and gabbed.

He seemed quite pleased with the conversation when it was over, so it must have been quite a fulfilling experience.

A virtuoso conversationalist 07
They said they'd be delighted to come to my grand presentation!

He also found it prudent to invite his grandpa who'd come all the way up to Paris from down south.  That, too, was a stimulating conversation.

A virtuoso conversationalist 08
Oh, Hello, Grandpa.
A virtuoso conversationalist 09
And you've just got to come hear me play!

As any good musician knows, one must practice before a concert, no matter how hot it might be.  After making sure that everything was in tune, it was time to warm up the fingers for making the big chords.

A virtuoso conversationalist 10
Yes, that sounds about right.
A virtuoso conversationalist 11
Arpeggios, anyone?

And now, for the grand performance!

A virtuoso conversationalist 12
Ladies & Gentlemen, thank you so much for coming!
A virtuoso conversationalist 13
First, we start off gently.
A virtuoso conversationalist 14
Help!  I can't reach the page to turn it.
A virtuoso conversationalist 15
Building up for the grand finale.
A virtuoso conversationalist 16
Thank you, I hope you enjoyed the performance!




After the show was finished, it was bedtime.  But do stay in close touch for the next installation of Diggle's weekend with his grandparents.


  1. These are adorable!

  2. Who is the piano player in the family (other than Diggle, of course)?


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