* Between The Sea (the Med) and The Alps -- {Pronounce: ontruh la mair eh lay zalp}

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Whew -- Just in time!

Because it ended up taking so much time to get my new blog going, and because I was gone the week prior to that, I wasn't able to get to my latest sewing contest entry until the last minute.  Despite having tons of fabric stash from years worth of sewing activity, I didn't have anything on hand that really seemed to fit the bill for this challenge.  Fortunately, while I usually can't find anything I specifically have in mind in the local fabric stores here, this time I managed to come up with something useful in the first place I checked.

So with the blog up and running, it was time to make my tank top.  For something so simple that could have been done in an hour, it took me several days.  There is no room for error or sloppiness on stark black and white.  It was a new pattern, so I also had to deal with making it fit right, which also should have been easy but was not.  Today was the last day, such a relief to have it done and submitted.

Entering sewing contests is new for me, and most themes don't fit my needs or desires.  But when they do, they provide a whole new outlet for me that doesn't involve plaster or rugged weeds.  If you happen to be interested in my entry, click on the Terrific Tanks badge on the sidebar, and you can see all the other entries I'm up against.  Either from there or from the top entry in my Pattern Review widget, you can read my explanation and see photos of my masterpiece.

We had to go out yesterday while I was in the middle of working on it (designing my collar).  When we got home, Samantha had decided that my worktable (bed) was just her favorite spot to repose (not the first time).  Even the cats get involved in my sewing around here!

While only registered people can vote in the contests, anybody can view the entries.  So pop on over to check out my competition, then let me know whom you'd vote for yourselves (after me, of course).  The concept of the competition is to make a tank top or shell and then add some kind of embellishment.  I know which one I'd vote for, I'm curious how many others might agree.

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