* Between The Sea (the Med) and The Alps -- {Pronounce: ontruh la mair eh lay zalp}

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Whew -- Just in time!

Because it ended up taking so much time to get my new blog going, and because I was gone the week prior to that, I wasn't able to get to my latest sewing contest entry until the last minute.  Despite having tons of fabric stash from years worth of sewing activity, I didn't have anything on hand that really seemed to fit the bill for this challenge.  Fortunately, while I usually can't find anything I specifically have in mind in the local fabric stores here, this time I managed to come up with something useful in the first place I checked.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Welcome to my world

Hello, I'm so glad to have you on board as I jump on the blogging bandwagon with this initial post .  This is my first attempt to join this particular world of communication, and it's going to involve a very steep learning curve to achieve what I envision with no clue of just how to go about it.

My motivation for this endeavor is two-fold:
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