We have always been a cat family. We've always had at least one or sometimes more most of our married life. While we waited three years after losing our 19-year-old family cat, we finally replaced her as soon as we moved down south. We checked out a radio announcement and came home with two sisters. Not only did we become friends with the original "parents," we ended up with a once-in-a-lifetime feline experience.
Unfortunately, we were only given 12 wonderful years, but they were totally awesome. If you like cats, I hope you'll enjoy this little pictorial biography. If you were privileged enough to have shared in this experience, enjoy the memories. And now, I present Romea, who was the Queen of Cats in the feline world.
If you'd like to see my glorious self in a larger format than these dinky pictures, just click on me, and I'll get bigger!
Present-ing myself ... at 3 months |
Hotter than a fire |
When we were choosing our new pet, the owners told us how this one seemed to stand out in a crowd. As she was so cute, it was easy to take the gamble with her. To keep her company, we also took one of her sisters. She totally started out with character, as her private bits have camouflage markings, and we thought she was a he. Thus, she started out as Romeo, which led to Romea as facts became more obvious.
As all cats do, she loved getting inside things whether she belonged there or not. Leave any size open space for three minutes, and you'd most likely find her inside.
Are you my new daddy? |
All in the family |
She was the cuddliest cat we've ever had. Whether you wanted her or not, when she wanted to snuggle, she snuggled.
Even though there were no little people in her world, she took to our grandson when he came for his first visit like she'd grown up with him.
Announcing that I am the Shoulder Cat |
Oh, I've gotten too big for this? |
One of her most endearing habits was riding on our shoulders, giving her the nickname of Shoulder Cat. We've never had one of those before; we didn't even know there was such a thing.
Not only did she do it as a very young kitten, she continued it her whole life. While it normally seemed so cute, it could be frustrating if we were actually trying to accomplish something.
It's only natural that one of her last photos was on my shoulder, although this time I had to put her there.
I like to snuggle |
What hands? |
Comfy bed |
My turn to play on the computer |
Books are okay, too |
Sometimes she figured it was her turn on the keyboard.
She didn't always limit her lap time to computers, either.
My favorite position at 3 months old |
Still my favorite at a year old |
When we first brought her home, we thought it was funny the cute position she often slept in.
We had no idea that it would be such a lifetime position.
We'd never had a long-haired cat before, and all her tummy fluff was amazing. I guess that's why she enjoyed sleeping in this position, so that she could show it off!
While most cats can be adorable when they are sleeping, Romea was no exception. It didn't bother her to be moved when she was tiny, and her bed didn't have to be very comfortable when she got older!
She would relax in the oddest places, again very cat typical, but she was so cute doing it.
She also had no problem straddling an empty space if it suited her. Which was fairly often.
Fall off a tilted step? Naw. |
You wanted these blocks? Tough! |
She particularly seemed to enjoy inserting herself into wherever we happened to be doing various home construction projects.
Then again, she inserted herself anywhere she felt like. Which was everywhere.
What's a little height? |
She was also our No Fear cat. Cats can accomplish the most incredible moves, but she went over and above, certainly more than the other two we have.
She had no problem resting on the edge of the balcony, as she had a habit of climbing up from the terrace onto a canopy frame and walking along it until she could jump onto the balcony.
She got back down the same way. It was as natural a path as simply going through a door.
I can handle a free ride |
She spent her life resting on the outside table leg support. It was one of her favorite places.
When the table needed to be moved from one level to another, and she happened to be inhabiting the area, she saw no reason to leave her perch.
She certainly never let any kind of circumstance interfere with what she wanted to be doing.
One of her more amazing feats was accessing the attic. We have to use a round rung ladder, which is hard enough on our feet. We didn't know it was a game for her to climb up, and one time she got locked in the attic. Perching on the door sill apparently presented no kind of challenge.
Help, get me out of here! |
However, with all these daring escapades that were just a part of her daily routine, she didn't do nearly so well with motherhood. We let her have one litter, and that was not one of her better accomplishments.
First, her sister gave birth several weeks earlier, and Romea ended up stealing the babies and hiding them! Then she'd plop her big heavy body in the maternity basket on top of new mother and newborn babies.
When it was finally her turn, she seemed quite perplexed as to what she was supposed to do with all these little squirmy creatures now in her care.
In the end, nature won out, and her four babies prospered. One of them carries on her legacy in our home.
My first catch! |
My bowl is empty, please notice. |
This is MY spoonful! |
She normally thought she was more human than cat, and thus should be eating human food.
She also thought she belonged hanging out with any human who happened to be around. While almost every other cat we've ever had will find some kind of hiding place if we have company, Romea would make herself part of the guest list. She also would find the most anti-cat guest and latch on for dear life.
As we started having guests with small children, she had no problem being manhandled, even though that wasn't something she was used to.
When there's a party, there's a dessert. And she never figured she needed to be left out.
I want on this chair, stupid feet! |
And then catastrophe struck. She disappeared for five days, not one of her tricks. We don't know where she was during that time, but somehow she managed to make it back home, with paralyzed back legs.
The vet thought she'd had a kitty stroke, something fairly common, even though we'd never heard of it before. Then one of her dead feet got gangrene, and we had two toes removed.
I wanted up here. I got up here. |
Her back hips had no muscle tone around them any more, and I think the ground was hard to lie on. I was shocked when I discovered she'd managed to climb up a little cane wall to lie in some dirt in the sun. That became her new favorite place, and she could get up and back down all by herself.
She ended up doing so fantastically that the vet changed her diagnosis and decided that she must have gotten an injury after all and ruptured a disc.
Alas, that was not the case, and she finally suffered another stroke. It seems like she had an incurable heart disease, which causes blood clots to break off. The first one took out her back legs, a second one probably settled in her stomach, and a final one probably went to her brain.
The blond bombshell to the very end |
It was a privilege to have had her all these years, and it's a privilege to now share the highlights of her life with you. I hope you've enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed living it.
Even in her final days, with a paralyzed back end, her last portrait shows her sitting up tall and asking to be admired. Which we certainly did! We will miss her deeply.
The one and only great Romea
September 20, 2003 - November 3, 2015
I'm so sorry, Barbara. I know you loved her. You gave her a wonderful tribute. Her last days were a tribute to the spirit that she showed throughout her life. We humans could learn a few things from her resiliency and ability to deal with difficulty. Please feel my arms around you in a kitty-loving hug.
ReplyDeleteour pets grace our lives, show us unconditional love, demnd everything and anything they want. We are their wiklling slaves. When they are hurt, we suffer with them. when they leave us, a part of us goes too. Your Romea was a grand dame. Your tribute touching.
ReplyDeleteThis just makes me cry. I'm so very sorry. Like Leah, I'm sending you a kitty loving hug. What a wonderful life you all had together for so many years.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry for your loss. May Romea's child comfort you.
ReplyDeleteLosing a pet is losing part of your family. So sorry to hear of her death, and what a beautiful tribute you have given her. (written with a cat in my lap, trying to type)
ReplyDeleteSuch a great cat. She was a real special character. I remember her laying around just about in every spot in the yard. Your photos are so good and humorous, they will preserve a lot of your fond memories of her. So sorry she is gone. Love you and Craig
DeleteI am do glad she turned up again and even though it wasn't for long that you got to spend time before the end. She looks a great cat with lots of personalty. Hugs for missing her now,
ReplyDeleteThe WORST part of pet ownership...the end. I know your heart is breaking and I'm so sorry! She was truly beautiful and what a great personality. I loved the photos and the stories. Thanks for sharing her in this tribute! Wonderfully done!!❤️
ReplyDeleteA beautiful Triute Barb! I'm thankful I had the opportunity to watch her while you were gone. She was my favorite, so fun to play with. Makes me think of my kitty Spooky that we had for 14 years. They do become part of the family. So sorry for your loss.