Once upon a time, I was a brand new bride, working in an office. During a lunch hour, I was reading a magazine, and I came across an ad for making pretty cakes. Not having a clue how to bake, I thought it would be fun to get some ideas. It only cost $1 for the idea book. So I ordered it. To my chagrin, it was a catalog for buying all these tools for making beautiful decorated cakes. Not what I had in mind.
However, the brand new groom asked what it took to get the tools. It was a catalog. I could order from them. So why not? Because that's a lot of money for something I don't know how to do. How do you know you can't do it if you don't have the tools?
So we ordered a mid-level set of tools. And thus began a journey that continues even today, even in a country that hasn't appreciated this style or texture of celebratory dining, although it does seem to be catching on more in recent years.